Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Vice Presidential Debate

I know, I know...I've been a bad blogger lately. Things have been busy (but good!) maybe an update about that, later!

I am watching the Vice Presidential debate right now, and I seriously think this can't be real. Is this where our country is going?

Oy vey, help us....Please don't let this hockey mom cross the threshold of the White House...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

So the reading begins...

Happy Labor Day Weekend!!

I am sitting in my newly-organized guest room/office (Which I L-O-V-E -Maybe I'll show you some pics later??) studying for a Clinical Calulations Exam I have on Friday and reading for my first lecture on Tuesday. For the first time in my academic career, I am finding a textbook to be a "page-turner"! I guess that's a good sign? I think I have found my "calling".

Gene and Jon went and hiked one our our favorite hikes (Lonesome Lake). I woke up with knee pain and knew I had a some homework to get to, so I sent the boys off and popped a few Ibuprofin and got to work. So far a very productive day, and I'm about to head out for a run -sans iPod, which is in Gene's car :( - then it's off to the Bova's for dinner. I still can't fathom that I'm actually starting school again on Tuesday. This past week I've seen kids in their back to school outfits clutching their new backpacks waiting at the bus stop, and I feel a twinge of excitement through my body. I feel like such a dork but I am so excited to go back to school, too! I have all of my books, unifroms, and supplies ready...all I need to do is find the perfect backpack, and frankly, Hannah Montana just ain't gonna cut it.

And here we go... over the past few weeks I've been playing with the idea of what (if anything) I want to do with this blog. I follow a lot of blogs regularly (Thanks Google Reader!) and am constantly impressed with the different things put out on their blogs. It seems like so many people lead such interesting lives and are able to write about it so eloquently - do I really think that I am that interesting, too? And if so, I'm certainly not a writer! Well, after much deliberation I decided that I'm going to use this blog for ME. A place to write about whatever comes to mind, and go with it. I'm going to focus on my newest adventure which officially starts Tuesday, Nursing school. I have been working at getting into a program for over 3 years and am THRILLED to finally see it become a reality.

With all of the changes that in the next few weeks and months, I am also going to be focusing a lot on keeping myself happy and healthy. Over the past few years I have lost 60lbs, and have another 30-40 to lose. I have developed a great love of running (Thanks, Gene!) and perhaps this blog may see me run my first marathon? Who knows? The possibilities are endless and I'm excited to see where it goes.

If anyone is reading this, thanks for stopping by - and leave a comment and let me know you were here!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Well Hello there!

I honestly don't know if anyone will actually ever read this, and that's ok. I love following other people's blogs, and finally thought to myself "Hey, I could do that too!". Ok...maybe that's a bit of a stretch...I'm not really all that interesting, and don't have much to write about, but that's all just minor details, right?? I thought about what could I possibly blog about?? I'm starting Nursing school on September 2nd, so that could be a possibility. Nahh. I've lost 60lbs on WW in the past 2 years and would like to lose about 30 or 40 more. Weight loss blogs are cool, right? Uhh, sure but just not be. My brother started a blog when he started training for the Ironman - but the chances of me ever doing an Ironman? I'd have to be hopped up on lot more than just Vicodin. So, I'll just take this as a run of the mill things that Interest me, perhaps that I find funny, and go from there....

It's funny that the day I start this blog I am slightly "hopped up" on Vicodin (and please, no need to get me help in a detox). Yesterday I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed, what a great way to start the weekend!! I really loved when the MD told me before the surgery that this was going to take a lot of "elbow grease" from him to get them out. AWESOME. I ALSO love that I woke up as they were pulling the last one...I was so wacked out on Versed that I didn't feel any pain, but I was definitely aware. DOUBLE awesome. The first 2 hours were pure hell, I'm not going to lie, which was slightly disheartening as when Gene had his out last month he was all but doing cartwheels right after b/c he felt so good. Luckily once I got home and got some meds on board, I've felt MUCH better than I ever expected. Thankfully Gene's here (He's a "male nurse" for the weekend, even if he doesn't want to be...) and he's taking great care of me.

So, today, I get to lay back as my male-nurse attends to me, and so I find myself writing my first blog. I wonder if I am looking at this as a perfectly written and gramatically correct entry, and you are all seeing "akjaowej jfao jfdlajfoiej fjalejri iaoej". I guess only time will tell.